2023-051 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2023-09-25
Final date -
Days in captivity227
SpeciesRTHA - Red-tailed hawk
BandTeal L 080
Feather damage - Major
Fracture - digit
Infectious - West Nile Virus
Pinched Blood Feathers

Cause of injury: Unknown

Found in Montgomery,AL
Elmore county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Desc Qty Cost Subtotal
Daily rate22720.004540.00
Complete blood count158.0058.00
Packed cell volume28.0716.14
Lab tests3Variable120.00
Total  5423.39

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images









2024-05-08 13:52 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-07 16:22 AN

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-05-06 17:06 re

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-05 13:49 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-04 10:30 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-03 16:04 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-02 11:14 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-01 15:40 AN

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-05-01 11:30 BT

Imped 3 tail feathers , 1 left primary and 2 right primaries. All other gaps are in blood / Molted and growing in.

Flight post imping was still a bit labored. Will need to allow new feathers to come in further.

2024-04-30 14:30 SAK

Feather check
  Ok  Fault bar  Dystrophic
  Old  Curled  Broken, not impable
  Extra  Tipped  Missing
  IB, mature  Soiled  Mutilated
  IB  Bent  Unknown
  Imped  Broken, impable   
  Frayed  Singed   
2024-04-29 15:46 AN

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-04-28 09:49 AN

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-04-27 10:54 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-26 16:37 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-25 16:01 JB

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-04-24 16:08 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-23 16:57 JB

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-22 17:00 SAK

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-21 10:22 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-20 11:38 AN

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-04-19 16:45 AN

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-18 16:46 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-17 16:55 SAK

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-16 16:53 re

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-04-15 16:14 AN

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-04-14 10:34 SH

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-12 15:43 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-11 15:31 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-10 16:14 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-09 17:15 SAK

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-08 16:30 AN

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-04-07 11:27 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-06 10:52 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-05 16:23 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-04 16:54 re

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-04-03 16:11 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-02 16:33 JB

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-04-01 15:59 SAK

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-31 10:27 SH

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-30 11:05 BT

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-29 16:12 BT

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-28 15:58 BT

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-27 16:05 AN

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-26 16:11 JB

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-25 17:08 AN

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-24 10:07 SH

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-23 11:11 AN

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-22 16:01 re

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-21 16:35 AN

Group entry: 10 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-20 16:56 AN

Group entry: 10 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-20 16:56 AN

Group entry: 10 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-19 16:33 SAK

Group entry: 10 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-18 16:16 re

Group entry: 10 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-17 10:24 AN

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-16 16:14 AN

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-15 15:56 AN

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-14 15:18 re

Photo taken to show feather gaps/loss

2024-03-14 03:21 JB

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-13 16:02 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-12 17:37 re

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-11 16:50 re

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-10 10:41 SH

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-09 11:30 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-08 11:55 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-07 13:23 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-06 16:20 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-06 15:41 BT

Feather check
  Ok  Fault bar  Dystrophic
  Old  Curled  Broken, not impable
  Extra  Tipped  Missing
  IB, mature  Soiled  Mutilated
  IB  Bent  Unknown
  Imped  Broken, impable   
  Frayed  Singed   
Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-03-06
Examiner - BT
Feather Condition 1, Endurance 2, Symmetry 2, Maneverability 3, Lift 3, Landing 3 = Total 14 Sound = no
2024-03-06 11:31 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-05 11:38 KAP

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-04 16:41 AN

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-03-02 10:07 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-01 16:45 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-29 16:23 JB

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, Q per bird

2024-02-29 16:12 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-28 16:01 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-27 15:40 AN

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-26 17:41 AN

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-25 11:27 AN

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-24 11:40 JB

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Q per bird

2024-02-23 17:16 SAK

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-22 16:02 JB

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-22 15:33 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-21 16:43 re

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-02-20 16:07 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-19 13:47 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-18 10:24 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-17 11:02 AN

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-02-16 15:56 AN

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-15 15:58 JB

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, per bird

2024-02-14 16:45 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-13 16:20 BT

Group entry: 6 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-12 15:26 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-11 13:55 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-10 10:47 SH

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-08 16:14 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-07 16:18 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-06 16:53 JB

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-02-05 16:09 AN

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-05 15:30 BT

Feather check
  Ok  Fault bar  Dystrophic
  Old  Curled  Broken, not impable
  Extra  Tipped  Missing
  IB, mature  Soiled  Mutilated
  IB  Bent  Unknown
  Imped  Broken, impable   
  Frayed  Singed   
Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-02-05
Examiner - BT
Feather Condition 1, Endurance 3, Symmetry 4, Maneverability 3, Lift 2, Landing 4 = Total 17 Sound =
2024-02-04 10:12 SH

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-03 15:51 re

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-02-02 16:05 re

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-01 16:29 JB

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-01-31 16:02 AN

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-01-30 16:00 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-29 16:10 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-28 12:18 SH

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-27 11:19 re

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-01-26 16:23 AN

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-25 16:20 KAP

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-01-24 15:52 AN

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-23 16:02 JB

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-22 16:45 AN

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-21 12:21 AN

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-20 11:20 an

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-19 16:57 JB

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-18 10:22 SH

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-16 16:17 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-15 11:12 AN

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-14 11:01 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-13 10:12 SH

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-12 15:27 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-11 10:31 SH

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-10 15:33 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-09 11:13 KAP

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-01-08 11:26 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-07 11:34 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-06 11:29 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-01-05 15:49 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-04 12:24 KAP

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-01-03 14:00 re

Collection date2024-01-03
Typechoanal/cloacal swab
AI PCR : Not detected
2024-01-03 11:53 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-01-02 15:56 KAP

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-01-01 11:59 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2023-12-31 17:01 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-31 13:56 SAK

Swabbed for AI and will submit to State lab on 1-2-24

2023-12-30 14:02 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-29 09:49 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-28 09:44 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-27 14:45 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-27 10:52 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-26 10:29 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-25 11:09 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-24 15:25 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-23 09:38 SAK

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-22 09:55 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-21 11:31 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-20 16:35 KAP

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-19 15:06 SAK

Flight eval
Exam date - 2023-12-19
Examiner - SAK
Feather Condition 1, Endurance 2, Symmetry 4, Maneverability 3, Lift 3, Landing 4 = Total 17
2023-12-19 11:13 KAP

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2023-12-18 12:01 KAP

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

2023-12-17 09:55 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-16 10:31 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-15 11:54 BT

Group entry: 9 animals
150g R, M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk: Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon per bird on food.

2023-12-14 14:54 BT

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
No treatment plan specified

2023-12-14 14:34 BT

Band changed to: Teal L 080

2023-12-14 14:27 BT
Weight: 1329 grams
+333 g (33%)

Did feather check and flight test. Bird does not fly well, but can get from ground to perch. Still has several missing or broken primaries on both wings. But the regrown molted feathers all appear to be coming in normally.

Keep an eye on it this weekend to see if getting around OK in larger aviary.

2023-12-14 11:04 KAP

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-13 17:18 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-13 11:50 KAP

Food: 73g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-12 14:29 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-11 16:26 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-11 11:01 SAK

Food: 63 M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-10 09:51 Sofia HK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-09 15:41 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-09 09:43 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-08 16:19 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-08 10:00 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-07 11:04 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-06 16:18 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-06 11:01 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-05 09:56 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-04 16:51 SAK

Food: 63g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-04 10:57 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-03 15:50 BT

Food: 59g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-03 09:40 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-02 14:43 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-02 10:13 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-01 15:33 BT

Food: 63g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-12-01 10:23 Sofia HK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-30 16:13 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-30 09:56 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-29 16:38 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-28 17:56 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-28 10:00 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-27 16:47 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Feather check
WNV Titer lab work - UGA

2023-11-27 12:25 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

Drew labwork for WNV Titer - UGA

New feather growth to both primaries and tail feathers. All feathers currently in blood look normal.

Collection date2023-11-27
WNV Titer : Serum antibody titer is > =1:10. This is considered a positive antibodty titer.
2023-11-26 15:33 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-26 09:28 BT

Food: 64g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-26 08:44 Kyle Casson

No dropped feathers observed today. Pull WNV titer on 11/27.

2023-11-25 10:42 Kyle Casson

No dropped feathers observed. Pull WNV titer on 11/27.

2023-11-25 10:28 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-24 16:13 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-24 09:44 Kyle Casson

No dropped feathers observed. Pull WNV titer on 11/27.

21g leftovers.

2023-11-23 16:33 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-22 16:01 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-22 09:03 Kyle Casson

No dropped feather observed this AM. Pull WNV titer on 11/27.

2023-11-22 08:54 AN

Food: 63g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-21 13:58 KP

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-21 11:11 KAP

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-21 07:56 Kyle Casson

No dropped feathers observed. Pull WNV titer on 11/27.

2023-11-20 14:32 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-20 09:21 Kyle Casson

No dropped feathers were observed. Pull WNV titer on 11/27.

2023-11-19 16:28 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-19 10:38 Kyle Casson

No dropped feathers were observed. Pull WNV titer on 11/27.

2023-11-19 09:36 AMN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-18 16:56 CBH

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-18 11:07 AN

Food: 59g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-18 10:29 Kyle Casson

No dropped feathers. WNV titer of 11/27.

61g of leftovers

2023-11-17 17:21 AN

Food: 62g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-17 11:04 AN

Food: 61g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-17 07:58 Kyle Casson

No dropped feathers. Pull WNV titer on 11/27.

2023-11-16 16:19 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-16 11:06 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary
containment. BID PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-11-16 07:56 Kyle Casson

No dropped feathers. Pull blood for WNV titer on 11/27.

2023-11-15 15:50 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-15 10:35 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-15 08:23 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary
containment. BID PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-11-15 07:41 Kyle Casson

No dropped feathers overnight.

WNV titer on 11/27

2023-11-14 15:24 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-14 10:16 KAP

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-14 09:25 Kyle Casson

Stopped dropping feathers on 11/11
Recheck WNL titer on 11/25

2023-11-13 15:53 AN

Food: 67g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-13 09:34 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary
containment. BID PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-11-13 09:00 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-12 14:59 BT

Food: 63g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
2 weeks after feather loss stops - WNV Titer

2023-11-12 09:26 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
2 weeks after feather loss stops - WNV Titer

2023-11-11 15:57 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
2 weeks after feather loss stops - WNV Titer

2023-11-11 15:28 Kyle Casson

No no dropped feathers were observed today. Draw blood for west nile titer in 2 weeks.

2023-11-11 09:23 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
2 weeks after feather loss stops - WNV Titer

2023-11-10 15:18 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
2 weeks after feather loss stops - WNV Titer

2023-11-10 09:47 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
2 weeks after feather loss stops - WNV Titer

2023-11-09 17:01 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
2 weeks after feather loss stops - WNV Titer

2023-11-09 10:45 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
2 weeks after feather loss stops - WNV Titer

2023-11-08 17:09 AN

Food: 62g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
2 weeks after feather loss stops - WNV Titer

2023-11-08 08:45 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary
containment. BID PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
2 weeks after feather loss stops - WNV Titer

2023-11-08 08:44 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary
containment. BID PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-11-07 15:41 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-07 11:51 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-06 16:48 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-06 12:15 SAK

Food: 63g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-05 15:42 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-05 10:22 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-04 16:08 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-04 11:45 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-03 15:19 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-03 10:34 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-02 15:42 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-02 10:41 BT

Food: 59g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-01 15:22 AN

Food: 68g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-11-01 10:56 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-31 15:26 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-31 09:35 BT

Food: 64g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-30 17:04 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-30 10:45 AN

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-29 15:44 BT

Food: 58g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-29 09:19 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-28 15:30 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-28 10:09 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-27 14:57 re

Food: 61g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-27 09:49 SAK

Left 41g from 10-26-23

2023-10-27 09:03 re

Food: 61g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-26 15:34 BT

Food: 65g R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-26 08:25 KAP

Food: 52g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

(25 g leftover)

2023-10-25 15:30 re

Food: 61g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-25 10:22 re

Food: 64g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-24 15:30 re

Food: 63g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-24 09:00 re

Food: 59g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-23 15:13 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-23 09:51 SAK

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-22 15:05 BT

Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-22 10:35 BT

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 60g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary
containment. BID PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-10-22 10:34 BT

Food: 43g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-21 14:36 re

Food: 53g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-21 10:30 BT

Food: 40g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-20 16:51 KAP

Food: 40g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.67 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-20 13:42 RE

Updated medication doses based on a latest weight of 996 g

2023-10-20 09:28 re

Food: 46g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.71 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-19 16:12 re

Food: 45g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.71 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-19 10:15 re

Food: 41g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.71 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-18 16:46 AN

Food: 40g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.71 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-18 11:52 AN

Food: 40g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary containment. PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.71 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-18 09:29 EF
Weight: 996 grams
-57g (5%)

2023-10-18 09:05 DBT

Updated medication doses based on a latest weight of 1053 g

2023-10-17 17:22 BT

Collection date2023-10-17
WNV Titer : Positive
2023-10-17 17:21 BT

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 40g M, Ch, R, Q Be Careful Opening Door. This enclosure has no secondary
containment. BID PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-10-17 16:21 BT

Moved to hex 1 with pM food.

2023-10-17 15:49 BT

Food: 40g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-17 10:17 re

Food: 41g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-17 08:48 EF

80g of food remaining uneaten from previous day.

2023-10-16 16:35 re

Food: 43g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-16 11:58 re

Feather check
  Ok  Fault bar  Dystrophic
  Old  Curled  Broken, not impable
  Extra  Tipped  Missing
  IB, mature  Soiled  Mutilated
  IB  Bent  Unknown
  Imped  Broken, impable   
  Frayed  Singed   
2023-10-16 10:57 re

Food: 45g M, Ch, R, Q

2023-10-16 09:23 SAK

Moved to FA2 for more space and to decrease handling. Closely monitor food intake.

Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-16 08:37 EF
Weight: 1053 grams, BCS: 2.5
+13g (1%)

2023-10-15 15:42 BT

Food: 42g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-15 11:08 BT

Food: 40g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD

2023-10-15 09:04 JS

Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) put in food

2023-10-14 15:20 BT

Food: 39g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-14 12:53 BT

Food: 46g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-13 15:58 SAK

Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-13 10:02 BT

Food: 42g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-13 08:19 BT

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 40g M, Ch, R, Q BID PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-10-13 08:16 EF

50g of food remaining in cage this am.

2023-10-12 15:44 BT

Food: 50g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-12 10:08 KAP

Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-11 15:49 re

Food: 51g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-11 15:27 RE

Updated medication doses based on a latest weight of 1040 g

2023-10-11 10:44 BT

Food: 50g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-11 08:19 EF
Weight: 1040 grams

+99g (+11%)

2023-10-10 16:23 BT

Food: 54g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-10 11:03 BT

Food: 51g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-09 20:25 EF

Pulled blood for submission of serum for West Nile Virus PCR and titer.

2023-10-09 16:05 re

Food: 56g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-09 11:43 AN

Food: 51g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-08 15:19 NS

Food: 52g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-08 08:57 NS

Food: 55g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-07 15:29 re

Food: 66g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-07 09:30 NS

Food: 49g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-06 15:41 re

Food: 53g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD

2023-10-06 15:03 JF

Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Observations: Flying around cage into walls. Alert and responsive.

2023-10-06 09:52 BT

Food: 50g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-06 07:47 JF

53g lefotvers this AM. No blood feathers noted in cage.

2023-10-05 16:18 BT

Food: 50g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-05 10:32 BT

Food: 49g M, Ch, R, Q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-05 08:03 JF

Observations: 1 pinched blood feather in cage this AM

2023-10-04 16:38 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 50g M, Ch, R, Q BID PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-10-04 16:33 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 50g M, Ch, R, Q BID PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-10-04 16:31 SAK

Food: 50g M, Ch, R
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-04 11:31 BT

Food: 50g M, Ch, R

2023-10-04 08:35 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 50g M, Ch, R (Give meds orally) BID Watch food intake carefully
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-10-04 08:34 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 50g M, Ch, R (Give meds orally) BID Watch food intake carefully
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SID SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-10-04 07:57 JF
Weight: 941 grams
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Observations: One pinched blood feather present in cage this AM. 53g leftovers

2023-10-03 16:19 BT

Food: 50g M, Ch, R (Give meds orally)

2023-10-03 12:12 BT

Food: 50g M, Ch, R (Give meds orally) Watch food intake carefully

2023-10-03 08:35 JF

Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Observations: Patient has had some instances of pinched blood feathers falling out. Plan to test for WNV. No pinched blood feathers were found in the cage today.

2023-10-02 18:03 JF

Radiographs of the right wing were performed to assess the instability of the digits of the right wing, suspected to be a fracture. No fracture was noted on radiographs. Soft tissue swelling was present at the level of the distal phalanges. The left wing was radiographed with no significant findings. A full body radiograph also showed no significant findings. The left foot was radiographed to assess digit 2, which had a hard swelling proximal to the talon resulting in talon deviation. A luxation of the distal intertarsal joint was noted that appeared to be a historic injury that had healed.

2023-10-02 17:56 re

Food: 51g M, Ch, R
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Radiograph: Wings

2023-10-02 08:18 JF
Weight: 999 grams
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Radiograph: Wings
Weight: 999g (+ 7% BW)

2023-10-01 15:33 BT

Food: 50g M, Ch, R

2023-10-01 15:26 JF

TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2023-10-01 10:50 BT

Food: 45g M, Ch, R

2023-10-01 09:33 JF

TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Observations: Wing wrap still in place. Patient BAR.

2023-09-30 15:27 JF

TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Observations: Patient standing and alert. Wing wrap still in place.

2023-09-30 15:14 BT

Food: 50g M, Ch, R (Give meds orally) Watch food intake carefully

2023-09-30 10:52 BT

Food: 57g M, Ch, R

2023-09-30 10:05 JF

TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Observations: Patient continues to stand when collected and returned to cage. Wing wrap still in place.

2023-09-29 16:17 BT

Food: 50g M, Ch, R (Give meds orally) Watch food intake carefully

2023-09-29 15:25 JF

TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Observations: Patient standing in cage when collected for treatments and when returned. Bandage in place.

2023-09-29 12:01 AN

Food: 52g M, Watch food intake carefully

2023-09-29 09:16 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 50g M, Ch, R (Give meds orally) BID Watch food intake carefully
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SID SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-09-29 09:16 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 50g M, Ch, R (Give meds orally) SID Watch food intake carefully
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SID SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.63 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

2023-09-29 08:15 JF

TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Meloxicam: 0.19 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) SQ
Observations: No leftovers this morning. Patient standing upon collection for treatment and after returned to the cage.

2023-09-28 16:30 JF

TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.19 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) SQ
Observations: Patient standing this evening. Wing wrap still in place. Patient did not stand when placed back into the cage after treatment.

2023-09-28 16:07 BT

Tweezer feed: 50g M, Ch, R

2023-09-28 12:08 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Tweezer feed: 50g M, Ch, R BID
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SID SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.19 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) BID IM

2023-09-28 10:25 KAP

Tweezer feed: 50g M, Ch, R

2023-09-28 07:34 JF

TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Meloxicam: 0.19 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) SQ
Observations: Standing this morning. Wing wrap still in place. Stood again when placed back into cage after treatment.

2023-09-27 16:34 BT

Tweezer feed: 52g M, Ch, R
Observations: stood when stimulated. Remained on feet throughout duration of feeding.

2023-09-27 16:30 BT

Lab Work
Assessment: Patient had a leukocyte count of 17 x10^3 uL (reference range 15-24 x10^3 uL) and panhypoprotenemia. Patient was negative for blood parasites. Panhypoprotenemia may be due to blood loss, GI disease, or nephritis. Beta globulins were noted to be increased, which indicates acute inflammation. Differentials for this increase may include nephritis, hepatitis, sarcocystosis, chronic chlamydia infection, mycobacteriosis, or mycotic infection. Sarcocystosis may cause the ataxia in this bird, though no respiratory distress signs have been noted. The bird is also progressively beginning to stand more, which is in contrast to the normal progression of clinical signs with this disease. The panhypoprotenemia is most likely due to malnutrition, as this sample was drawn shortly after admission before the bird was well-fed in hospital.

Collection date2023-09-27 16:30:00
PCV31 %
TS-1.0 g\dl
Collection date2023-09-27
WBC count17
Corrected count17
Hets/Neut79% - 13
Lymphs3% - 0
Eos2% - 0
Mono7% - 1
Baso1% - 0
Read byUMiami Avian & Wildlife Lab
Other= Immature Het%
2023-09-27 16:22 BT

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Tweezer feed: 50g M, Ch, R BID
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SID SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.19 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) BID IM

2023-09-27 15:37 JF

TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.19 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) SQ
Bandage still in place. Patient sitting upright in cage.

2023-09-27 10:34 BT

Food: tweezer fed 50g M, Ch, R

2023-09-27 08:29 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 50g M, Ch, R BID
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SID SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.19 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) BID IM
Observations: Standing this morning. Bandage still in place.

2023-09-27 08:09 JF
Weight: 935 grams
Food: 53g leftover
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Meloxicam: 0.19 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) SQ
Weight: 935g

2023-09-26 16:34 SAK

Tweezer fed: 54g M
SQ fluids: 23ml LRS
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.19 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) IM

2023-09-26 13:05 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 50g M, Ch, R BID
SQ fluids: 23ml LRS BID
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SID SQ (RX#1148845)
Meloxicam: 0.19 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) BID SQ

2023-09-26 11:23 JF

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Observational examination
Vital stats
Legs/Feet: Hard swelling proximal to digit 2 on left foot resulting in talon deviation. ~2cm abrasion noted on proximal aspect of right tibiotarsus
Legs/Feet - Range of motion: WNL
Legs/Feet - Plantar surface: WNL
Legs/Feet- Talons: Deviated digit 2 on left foot
Ceolom: WNL
BCS: 2
Vent: Blood noted from vent previously suspected to be due to local abrasion rather than internal bleeding
Droppings: Not observed
Uropygial gland: WNL
Other observations: Withdrawl reflex and deep pain tested and present in both legs.
Problem list: 1. Fractured digits of right wing
2. Abrasion of right leg at level of metatarsus
3. Abrasion of vent
Diagnosis: 1. Fractured right wing digits
Assessment: The bird removed the wing wrap and this was replaced with a figure 8 wrap, which has not been removed. The bird was standing this morning, which is the first time it has been noted to stand in hospital. The bleeding from the vent is likely due to an abrasion from vehicular trauma, which carries a much better prognosis than the previously suspected internal bleeding origin of the blood.
Plan: 1. TMS 0.9mL PO BID
2. Meloxicam 0.19mL SQ BID
3. Radiograph right wing Thursday
Prognosis: Fair

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Attending Veterinarian: Dr. Seth Oster
Observational examination
Mentation: BAR
Posture: Laying on back, not standing.
Comments: Patient removed body wrap. Replaced with wing wrap.
Vital stats
Mucous membranes: CRT WNL
Dehydration: Euhydration
Oral cavity: WNL
Choana: WNL
Glottis: No blood noted from glottis
Beak: WNL
Cere/nares: WNL
Eyes: WNL
Ears: WNL
Crop: No food noted in crop
Feather quality: Missing primary feathers on left wing and secondary feathers on right wing
Wings: Broken digits on right wing. Missing primary feathers on left wing and secondary feathers on right wing
Wings - Range of motion: WNL
Wings - Patagium: WNL
Legs/Feet: Hard swelling proximal to digit 2 on left foot resulting in talon deviation. ~2cm abrasion noted on proximal aspect of right tibiotarsus
Legs/Feet - Range of motion: WNL
Legs/Feet - Plantar surface: WNL
Legs/Feet- Talons: Deviated digit 2 on left foot
Ceolom: WNL
BCS: 2
Vent: Blood noted from vent previously suspected to be due to local abrasion rather than internal bleeding
Droppings: Not observed
Uropygial gland: WNL
Other observations: Withdrawl reflex and deep pain tested and present in both legs.
Problem list: 1. Fractured digits of right wing
2. Abrasion of right leg at level of metatarsus
3. Abrasion of vent
Diagnosis: 1. Fractured right wing digits
Assessment: The bird removed the wing wrap and this was replaced with a figure 8 wrap, which has not been removed. The bird was standing this morning, which is the first time it has been noted to stand in hospital. The bleeding from the vent is likely due to an abrasion from vehicular trauma, which carries a much better prognosis than the previously suspected internal bleeding origin of the blood.
Plan: 1. TMS 0.9mL PO BID
2. Meloxicam 0.19mL SQ BID
3. Radiograph right wing Thursday
Prognosis: Fair
Vet check- confirmed fractured digits on right wind. Blood from vent suspected to be of mucosal irritation origin rather than internal bleeding. Pectoral muscles asymmetrical.
Removed old wrap and rewrapped right wing

2023-09-26 10:53 BT

Food: 54g M, Ch, R

2023-09-26 09:14 JF

SQ fluids: 30ml LRS
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) PO
Meloxicam: 0.19 ml (5 mg/mL injectable) SQ
Replaced body wrap using sticky bandage and vetwrap

2023-09-26 08:44 JF

Assessment: The PCV and total protein showed an anemia and hypoprotenemia. The low PCV may be due to the presence of hippoboscid flies on the bird, which can transmit hemoparastites such as Haemoproteus. The lead levels on this bird were low, indicating lead toxicity is likely not the source of the anemia. The hypoprotenemia is likely due to chronic hyporexia. This should resolve once the bird consistently eats.

Collection date2023-09-25 13:44:00
PCV29 %
TS2.0 g\dl
Blood lead
Collection date2023-09-26
Level0.00 ug/dL
2023-09-26 08:35 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 50g M, Ch, R BID
SQ fluids: 30ml LRS BID
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SID SQ
Vet check

2023-09-26 08:35 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 50g M, Ch, R BID
SQ fluids: 30ml LRS BID
TMS: 0.90 ml (48 mg/mL) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR: 0.16 ml (1.8 mg/ml SR) SID SQ

2023-09-25 17:04 SAK

Additional data from online form

Offered food or water: No
Treatments given: No
Carrier box to pickup: No
Add to mailing list: No

2023-09-25 15:46 JF
Weight: 938 grams, BCS: 2.0

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Attending Veterinarian: Dr. Amberly Sokoloff
Observational examination
Mentation: BAR
Vital stats
Heart rate: 370
Respiratory rate: 40
Auscultation: WNL
Mucous membranes: WNL
Dehydration: Euhydration
Oral cavity: WNL
Choana: WNL
Glottis: Small amount of blood noted in glottis
Beak: Normal shape and occlusion
Cere/nares: WNL
Eyes: WNL
Ears: WNL
Crop: No food noted in crop
Feather quality: Left wing missing secondary feathers; right wing missing primary feathers
Wings: Left wing missing secondary feathers; right wing missing primary feathers; fractured digits on right wing; alula instability of left wing
Wings - Range of motion: WNL
Wings - Patagium: WNL
Legs/Feet: Suspected healed fracture on digit 2 of left foot with hard swelling located proximal to the digit and causing talon deviation; ~2cm abrasion on right leg at proximal tarsometatarsus
Legs/Feet - Range of motion: WNL
Legs/Feet - Plantar surface: WNL
Legs/Feet- Talons: WNL
Ceolom: WNL
BCS: 2
Vent: Frank blood noted from the vent
Droppings: Not observed
Uropygial gland: WNL
Problem list: 1. Cloacal bleeding
2. Fractured digits on right wing
3. Missing primary feathers on right wing; missing secondary feathers on left wing
4. Hard swelling proximal to digit 2 on left foot resulting in talon deviation
Diagnosis: 1. Presumptive: vehicular trauma
2. Definitive: broken digits of right wing
3. Definitive: alula instability of left wing
Assessment: This bird appears to have experienced some vehicular trauma. The presence of blood in the vent and glottis cause concern for internal bleeding. The broken right wing digits will not allow the bird to comfortably fly until healed. The deviated talon from the suspected old injury to the left foot may cause difficulty in capturing prey.
Plan: 1. 30mL LRS SQ
2. 0.18mL meloxicam SQ
3. 0.16mL buprenorphine
4. 0.6mL TMS
5. Place right wing in body wrap
6. Perform radiographs of right wing to assess fractures
7. Perform radiographs of left wing to assess alula instability
Prognosis: Poor

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